Table 11: Components and Sources of Reserve Money
       (End of Period)               (Rs million)
  Jun-99 Sep-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Sep-00 Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01
Components of Reserve Money                        
1. Currency with Public 4,876 4,322 6,127 5,132 5,172 5,407 5,407 5,379 6,648 5,828 5,639 5,671
2. Currency with Banks 2,000 2,349 3,010 1,631 1,557 1,729 1,811 2,059 2,506 2,142 1,955 1,823
3. Demand Deposits with Bank of Mauritius 3,469 3,156 1,388 3,437 3,037 3,188 2,851 3,179 2,611 3,440 3,090 3,225
     Reserve Money (1+2+3) 10,345 9,827 10,525 10,200 9,766 10,324 10,069 10,617 11,765 11,410 10,684 10,719
Sources of Reserve Money                        
1. Net Foreign Assets of BoM 15,315 15,696 18,425 18,214 17,455 16,895 16,986 24,395 24,840 21,658 21,259 21,447
2. Net BoM Credit to Government 4,576 4,384 2,281 2,298 3,002 4,373 4,103 (1,865) (1,135) 1,652 1,945 1,501
3. BoM Credit to Commercial Banks 250 250 250 296 623 304 250 304 250 250 250 250
4. BoM Credit to Non-Bank Financial Institutions 575 541 506 475 435 396 382 368 356 342 329 316
5. Net Non-Monetary Liabilities 10,371 11,045 10,938 11,083 11,749 11,644 11,652 12,585 12,546 12,492 13,100 12,795
     Reserve Money (1+2+3+4-5) 10,345 9,827 10,525 10,200 9,766 10,324 10,069 10,617 11,765 11,410 10,684 10,719
     Broad Money Multiplier @          7.8 8.5 8.3 8.6 9.1 8.9 9.1 8.8 8.1 8.3 9.0 9.0
Note: Figures may not add up to totals due to rounding