Table 18: Secondary Market Activity
  Holdings Amount Amount Amount Amount of Amount of Total Weighted
  of SMC of Bills of Bills of Bills Government Government volume of average
  as at end transacted purchased sold by Securities Securities secondary yield on
  of period outside by SMC 1 transacted sold by market Bills sold
    SMC SMC   outside SMC SMC transactions by SMC
    (Rs million)           (% p.a.)
Dec 1999                
01-03 Dec       1,626 0 196 43 0 0 239 12.36
06-10 Dec       1,659 0 116 74 0 0 190 12.43
13-17 Dec       1,784 11 113 188 0 0 312 12.63
20-24 Dec       2,195 3 96 129 0 0 228 12.12
27-30 Dec       2,052 0 1 163 0 0 164 12.58
Dec-98       1,301 55 69 914 0 0 1,038 12.40
Jan-99       1,361 111 25 850 0 0 986 12.54
Feb-99       1,562 90 0 487 22 0 599 12.43
Mar-99       1,255 97 169 783 0 0 1,049 12.63
Apr-99       1,208 123 0 716 0 0 839 12.73
May-99       1,349 191 84 782 0 0 1,057 12.58
Jun-99       1,320 90 135 1,824 0 0 2,049 12.61
Jul-99       1,522 50 1 566 0 0 617 12.54
Aug-99       1,573 215 231 1,437 0 0 1,883 12.31
Sep-99          863 109 570 1,820 0 0 2,499 11.58
Oct-99       1,125 40 308 970 0 0 1,318 12.52
Nov-99          722 193 288 2,468 0 0 2,949 12.20
Dec-99       2,052 14 522 597 0 0 1,133 12.46
SMC : Secondary Market Cell of the Bank of Mauritius. 1 Includes Bills sold Over The Counter (OTC).
Table 19: Transactions on the Interbank Money Market
Period Amount Transacted     Daily Range of Interbank   Bank
        Average1 Interbank W.A.I Rate3
  Lowest Highest Total    Rates  Rate2  
  (Rs million)             (Per cent)    
Dec 1999              
01-02 Dec 210 390 600 300 9.00 - 9.50 9.49 12.51
03-09 Dec 265 500 2,595 371 9.00 - 12.00 9.70 12.41
10-16 Dec 85 210 1,160 166 9.00 - 11.00 10.15 12.33
17-23 Dec 100 100 100 100 9.50 9.50 12.46
24-29 Dec 225 235 930 233 9.25 - 9.50 9.47 12.34
30-31 Dec 450 450 900 450 9.00 - 9.50 9.33 11.92
Dec-98 21 450 3,384 117 8.50 - 12.19 9.82 12.49
Jan-99 35 385 3,137 116 8.00 - 18.00 11.09 12.76
Feb-99 35 445 5,137 190 9.00 - 13.00 10.28 12.71
Mar-99 15 235 2,499 104 9.00 - 9.75 9.51 12.66
Apr-99 30 250 2,671 89 9.25 - 11.50 10.07 12.62
May-99 10 235 2,033 70 9.00 - 10.50 9.85 12.62
Jun-99 10 230 2,385 80 9.00 - 10.75 9.96 12.61
Jul-99 15 272 2,881 120 9.00 - 10.50 9.90 12.69
Aug-99 35 520 4,810 172 8.00 - 15.00 11.31 12.74
Sep-99 10 120 1,223 53 9.00 - 10.00 9.56 12.72
Oct-99 15 185 2,067 86 9.00 - 9.50 9.46 12.69
Nov-99 5 130 680 36 9.00 - 9.50 9.47 12.60
Dec-99 85 500 6,285 273 9.00 - 12.00 9.67 12.36
1 For transactions days only. 2 Interbank Weighted Average Interest Rate.
3 Simple Average for the month, actual for the week.