Table 10: Sector-wise Distribution of Commercial Banks' Credit to the Private Sector as at end December 1999
Figures rounded to nearest rupee
Sectors Overdrafts Loans1 Bills Bills Total
      Purchased & Receivable  
1.  Mauritius Sugar Syndicate 1,740,872 0 0 0 1,740,872
2.  Sugar Industry - Estates 699,217,973 1,912,582,913 9,365 0 2,611,810,251
3.  Sugar Industry - Others 250,983,639 94,340,588 26,157,419 0 371,481,645
4.  Other Agricultural Interests 201,914,016 196,607,383 1,867,456 0 400,388,855
5.  Export Enterprise Certificate Holders 3,391,160,237 1,847,160,397 151,932,051 197,879,559 5,588,132,244
6.  Development Certificate Holders 333,478,208 675,209,429 4,696,250 213,043,934 1,226,427,821
7.  Agricultural Development Certificate Holders 42,020,812 19,904,742 0 0 61,925,554
8.  Export Service Certificate Holders 105,766,340 48,576,758 12,301,904 1,377,282 168,022,284
9.  Pioneer Status Certificate Holders 67,893,129 74,682,164 0 1,859,565 144,434,858
10. Housing Development Certificate Holders 5,443,676 20,186,916 0 0 25,630,592
11. Hotel Management Certificate Holders 511,657,820 631,816,707 0 0 1,143,474,527
12. Small Scale Industries 131,963,606 104,865,553 79,767 0 236,908,926
13. Ex-Dc Industries 359,534,531 105,910,949 301,707 24,307,089 490,054,276
14. Other Industries & Manufacturers 2,227,017,358 2,278,313,147 20,876,137 205,436,365 4,731,643,007
15. Industrial Building Enterprise Cert. Holders 62,242,187 128,118,689 0 0 190,360,876
16. Strategic Local Enterprise Cert. Holders 2,716,847 0 0 0 2,716,847
17. Housing (including Rodrigues) 361,684,891 6,075,720,419 131,129,935 0 6,568,535,245
18. Hotels (other than item 11 above) 1,138,854,418 1,453,872,386 0 662,393 2,593,389,196
19. Transport 135,578,213 517,194,511 0 0 652,772,724
20. Statutory and Para-Statal Bodies 988,169,302 401,402,374 0 0 1,389,571,676
21. Building Contractors, etc. 1,201,338,708 1,618,361,083 0 0 2,819,699,791
22. Traders 4,414,870,225 3,753,734,535 143,599,644 1,229,915,103 9,542,119,507
23. Stock Brokers 108,139,122 2,931,424 0 0 111,070,546
24. Personal & Professional 2,258,951,281 4,328,694,244 203,352,441 0 6,790,997,965
25. Financial Institutions 624,433,923 234,353,283 49,775 0 858,836,981
26. Other Customers 1,447,883,018 1,121,027,638 19,141,026 36,630,137 2,624,681,818
Total 21,074,654,350 27,645,568,227 715,494,877 1,911,111,426 51,346,828,880
Investment in Shares and Debentures         11,173,823,532
TOTAL CREDIT TO PRIVATE SECTOR         62,520,652,412
1 Includes Loans and Other Financing in Foreign Currencies.