Table 19: Transactions on the Interbank Money Market
Period Amount Transacted     Daily Range of Interbank   Bank
        Average1 Interbank W.A.I Rate3
  Lowest Highest Total    Rates  Rate2  
  (Rs million)             (Per cent)    
July 2001              
1-5 July 245 570 1,685 337 6.75-7.50 7.20 11.24
6-12 July 50 200 1,035 148 7.00-7.50 7.33 11.03
13-19 July 50 235 1,030 147 6.75-7.25 6.91 11.42
20-26 July 110 283 1,458 208 6.75-7.50 7.20 10.86
27-31 July 108 230 962 192 6.75-7.50 7.22 11.15
Jun-99 10 230 2,385 80 9.00 - 10.75 9.96 12.61
Sep-99 10 120 1,223 53 9.00 - 10.00 9.56 12.72
Dec-99 85 500 6,285 273 9.00- 12.00 9.67 12.36
Mar-00 10 255 3,163 102 7.00-11.00 9.12 11.71
Jun-00 20 600 3,421 118 5.00-9.25 7.27 10.04
Jul-00 10 830 6,813 243 6.00-10.00 7.46 10.08
Aug-00 25 460 6,528 211 6.75-7.75 7.03 10.32
Sep-00 30 168 2,859 95 6.75-7.50 7.13 9.96
Oct-00 30 270 3,581 138 6.50-8.00 7.48 10.16
Nov-00 40 201 2,859 95 7.00-8.50 7.98 10.77
Dec-00 16 398 5,734 185 7.00-8.25 7.96 11.29
Jan-01 10 590 4,252 185 5.00-8.25 6.80 11.05
Feb-01 30 594 4,815 172 6.00-8.00 7.26 11.20
Mar-01 40 410 4,583 148 6.00-8.25 7.50 10.67
Apr-01 50 560 8,724 291 6.00-8.50 7.80 11.01
May-01 80 435 5,942 192 7.25-9.00 8.43 11.53
Jun-01 10 570 5,355 179 6.50-7.50 7.29 11.12
Jul-01 50 570 6,170 199 6.75-7.50 7.18 11.03
1 For transactions days only. 2 Interbank Weighted Average Interest Rate.
3 Simple Average for the month, actual for the week.