Table 22: Principal Interest Rates
  (As on the last day of the month)  (Per cent per annum)
  Jun-99 Dec-99 Mar-00 Jun-00 Sep-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01
I. LENDING                      
  Bank of Mauritius                      
      Lombard Rate   14.00 13.00 11.50 12.00 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.00 12.00
      Bank Rate 12.66 11.92 11.08 10.65 10.01 11.07 10.98 11.29 11.24 11.65 11.24 11.14
  Commercial Banks                      
A:   Prime Rate 10.00-13.00 10.00-13.00 11.00-13.00 10.00-12.00 10.00-11.50 11.00-12.25 11.00-12.25 11.00-12.25 11.00-12.25 11.00-12.25 11.00-12.25 10.50-11.75
B:   Sectoral Rates                      
  (i)     Mauritius Sugar Syndicate 12.00-13.50 12.00-13.50 11.00-13.50 9.50-12.50 9.50-12.00 10.50-12.00 10.50-12.00 10.50-12.00 10.50-12.00 10.50-12.00 10.50-12.00 10.00-11.50
  (ii)    Sugar Industry 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 10.00-18.00 9.63-17.50 9.63-17.50 10.50-18.25 10.50-18.25 10.63-18.25 10.63-17.50 10.63-17.50 10.63-17.50 10.25-17.50
  (iii)   Other Agriculture 11.25-19.50 11.25-18.50 11.25-18.50 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.25 10.50-18.75
  (iv)   EPZ 10.00-20.00 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.00 10.00-17.75 10.00-17.75 10.00-17.75 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.50 10.00-18.50
  (v)    DC 11.75-17.00 11.75-17.00 11.50-17.00 10.00-17.00 10.00-17.00 11.00-17.75 11.00-17.75 11.00-17.75 11.00-17.00 11.00-17.00 11.00-17.00 10.50-17.00
  (vi)   Small-scale Industries 12.50-20.00 10.75-20.00 11.50-20.00 10.00-20.00 10.00-19.50 11.00-20.25 11.00-20.25 11.00-20.25 11.00-20.00 11.00-20.00 11.00-20.00 10.50-20.00
  (vii)  Transport 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.50-20.25 11.50-20.25 11.50-20.25 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 11.50-19.50 11.00-19.50
  (viii)  Hotels 12.50-18.50 12.50-18.50 11.50-18.00 11.00-18.00 10.75-18.00 11.00-18.00 11.00-18.00 11.00-18.00 11.00-18.00 11.00-18.00 11.00-18.00 10.50-17.50
  (ix)   Other Industries and Manufacturers 10.75-20.50 10.75-19.50 10.75-19.50 10.00-19.50 10.00-19.00 11.00-20.25 11.00-20.25 11.00-20.25 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 11.00-19.50 10.50-19.50
  (x)    Statutory and Parastatal Bodies 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 12.50-16.50 11.25-15.50 11.25-14.50 12.00-15.50 12.00-15.50 12.00-15.50 12.00-15.50 12.00-15.50 12.00-15.50 11.50-16.50
  (xi)   Housing 12.00-20.50 12.00-20.50 11.50-19.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.00 11.00-21.25 11.00-21.25 11.00-21.25 11.00-20.50 11.00-20.50 11.00-20.50 10.50-20.50
  (xii)  Traders 10.00-20.50 11.00-21.50 11.00-21.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.00 10.50-20.75 10.50-20.75 10.50-20.75 10.50-20.50 10.50-20.50 10.50-20.50 10.00-20.50
  (xiii)  Stock Brokers 11.00-18.50 11.00-18.50 11.00-17.50 13.75-16.50 13.75-16.00 14.75-17.00 14.75-17.00 14.75-17.00 14.75-17.00 14.75-17.00 14.75-17.00 14.50-16.50
  (xiv)  Financial Institutions 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.50 12.00-18.00 12.00-17.00 10.50-16.00 11.50-17.00 11.50-17.00 11.50-17.00 11.50-17.00 11.50-17.00 11.50-17.00 11.00-16.50
  (xv)   Personal and Professional 10.00-24.00 10.00-24.00 10.00-24.00 10.00-20.50 10.00-22.00 11.00-22.50 11.00-22.50 11.50-22.50 11.00-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.75-20.50 10.50-20.50
  (xvi)  Other Customers 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.50 10.00-20.00 11.00-20.75 11.00-20.75 11.50-20.75 11.50-20.50 11.50-20.50 11.50-20.50 11.00-20.50
II. DEPOSITS                      
 1.  Savings 9.00 9.00 8.00-9.00 6.50-8.50 6.50-7.00 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.00
 2.  Seven Days' Notice 8.25-10.00 8.25-10.00 7.25-10.00 5.75-9.25 6.50-8.25 7.50-8.50 7.50-9.00 6.50-9.00 6.50-9.00 6.50-9.00 6.50-9.00 7.00-9.00
 3.  Fixed Deposits                      
 (i)     Up to 3 months 9.00-11.50 9.00-11.50 8.00-11.25 6.50-9.87 6.50-8.25 7.50-9.25 7.50-9.25 7.50-9.25 7.50-9.00 7.50-9.00 7.50-9.00 7.00-8.75
 (ii)    Exceeding 3 and up to 6 months 9.00-11.25 9.00-11.80 8.13-11.25 6.50-9.75 6.50-8.50 7.63-10.00 7.63-10.00 7.63-10.00 7.63-10.00 7.63-10.00 7.25-10.00 7.13-9.30
 (iii)   Exceeding 6 and up to 12 months 9.00-12.00 9.00-12.00 8.25-12.00 6.88-10.75 6.75-9.75 7.75-11.60 7.75-11.60 7.75-11.60 7.75-11.60 7.88-11.60 7.88-11.40 7.25-11.40
 (iv)   Exceeding 12 and up to 18 months 9.50-12.00 9.50-12.00 8.38-12.00 7.50-10.00 7.00-10.00 7.88-11.50 7.88-11.50 8.00-11.50 8.00-11.50 8.00-11.25 8.00-11.25 7.38-11.00
 (v)    Exceeding 18 and up to 24 months 9.38-11.50 9.38-12.00 8.38-12.00 7.50-10.50 7.00-10.00 8.00-11.50 8.00-12.00 8.00-12.00 8.00-11.50 8.00-12.00 8.00-11.25 7.50-12.00
 (vi)   Exceeding 24 and up to 36 months 9.63-12.00 9.63-12.50 8.38-12.50 8.00-11.00 7.12-11.00 8.13-10.50 8.13-11.00 8.13-11.75 8.13-11.50 8.13-11.50 8.13-11.25 7.63-11.25
 (vii)  Exceeding 36 and up to 48 months 9.63-12.00 9.63-12.50 8.38-12.50 8.00-11.25 7.25-11.00 8.25-11.38 8.13-11.50 8.13-11.50 8.13-11.50 8.13-11.50 8.13-11.50 7.75-11.50
 (viii) Over 48 months 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.25 9.75-11.75 8.75-10.00 9.00-11.00 8.50-11.50 8.50-11.50 8.50-11.50 8.50-11.50 8.50-11.50 8.50-11.50 8.00-11.50