Table 30 : Exchange Rate of the Rupee (End of Period)
Indicative Oct-00 Nov-00 Dec-00 Jan-01 Feb-01 Mar-01 Apr-01 May-01 Jun-01
Selling Rates                
Australian dollar 14.180 14.640 15.580 15.410 14.870 13.970 14.620 14.880 14.920
Belgian franc(100) 57.185 59.643 64.566 64.525 64.270 61.988 63.294 61.395 61.583
French franc 3.517 3.666 3.971 3.968 3.952 3.812 3.893 3.776 3.787
Deutsche mark 11.796 12.293 13.317 13.308 13.252 12.784 13.054 12.663 12.701
Hongkong dollar 3.550 3.620 3.630 3.640 3.670 3.690 3.710 3.750 3.800
Indian rupee(100) 60.000 61.000 61.000 62.000 62.000 62.000 62.000 63.000 63.000
Italian lira(1000) 11.915 12.396 13.451 13.444 13.387 12.913 13.187 12.791 12.830
Japanese yen(100) 25.260 25.280 24.500 24.200 24.380 22.910 23.190 24.340 23.740
Kenya shilling(100) 35.050 35.840 36.450 36.260 36.690 37.060 37.430 37.390 37.670
New Zealand dollar 10.950 11.350 12.370 12.380 12.180 11.510 11.820 12.100 11.910
Singapore dollar 15.790 16.100 16.360 16.290 16.410 15.950 15.920 16.210 16.300
South African rand 3.670 3.640 3.750 3.660 3.720 3.570 3.630 3.670 3.690
Swiss franc 15.190 15.940 17.130 17.080 16.850 16.410 16.610 16.250 16.320
US dollar 27.435 27.981 28.014 28.090 28.275 28.402 28.642 28.979 29.362
Pound sterling 39.794 39.787 41.782 41.071 40.758 40.563 41.114 41.331 41.356
Euro1 23.069 24.043 26.046 26.029 25.921 25.001 25.532 24.766 24.843
1 Effective 1 January 1999, the euro (EUR) was introduced replacing its precursor, the ECU, on a one-to-one basis.                
Note: With effect from October 1998, the end-of-period exchange rate of the rupee is based on the average end-of-period selling
            rates for T.T.& D.D. of all commercial banks.