Table 10: Sector-wise Distribution of Commercial Banks' Credit to the Private Sector as at end August 1999
Figures rounded to nearest rupee
Sectors Overdrafts Loans1 Bills Bills Total
      Purchased & Receivable  
1.  Mauritius Sugar Syndicate 365,421,493 637,182 0 0 366,058,675
2.  Sugar Industry - Estates 1,108,959,503 1,932,786,867 9,365 0 3,041,755,736
3.  Sugar Industry - Others 255,354,762 110,874,080 26,257,968 0 392,486,810
4.  Other Agricultural Interests 182,129,302 199,661,818 2,746,588 0 384,537,708
5.  Export Enterprise Certificate Holders 3,287,583,448 2,373,268,594 96,140,803 138,811,610 5,895,804,455
6.  Development Certificate Holders 325,161,969 662,094,595 4,874,422 179,005,218 1,171,136,203
7.  Agricultural Development Certificate Holders 36,373,861 17,450,992 0 0 53,824,852
8.  Export Service Certificate Holders 94,212,826 52,237,716 12,457,500 0 158,908,042
9.  Pioneer Status Certificate Holders 71,643,783 59,706,065 0 672,418 132,022,266
10. Housing Development Certificate Holders 10,887,193 21,666,094 0 0 32,553,287
11. Hotel Management Certificate Holders 256,875,912 399,652,503 0 0 656,528,415
12. Small Scale Industries 135,082,079 101,111,459 59,936 0 236,253,474
13. Ex-Dc Industries 405,536,267 89,302,690 0 7,916,700 502,755,657
14. Other Industries & Manufacturers 2,235,648,562 2,351,129,616 13,089,074 152,094,059 4,751,961,312
15. Industrial Building Enterprise Cert. Holders 37,577,979 141,871,392 0 0 179,449,371
16. Strategic Local Enterprise Cert. Holders 5,419,068 0 0 0 5,419,068
17. Housing (including Rodrigues) 330,651,975 5,854,000,637 165,790,834 0 6,350,443,446
18. Hotels (other than item 11 above) 1,237,152,739 699,603,966 0 0 1,936,756,705
19. Transport 114,309,605 569,405,747 393,504 0 684,108,856
20. Statutory and Para-Statal Bodies 718,068,062 295,443,143 0 0 1,013,511,205
21. Building Contractors, etc. 1,244,873,740 1,587,930,872 0 0 2,832,804,612
22. Traders 5,042,607,268 3,524,461,780 139,532,985 1,096,340,622 9,802,942,655
23. Stock Brokers 125,902,158 29,707,007 0 0 155,609,165
24. Personal & Professional 2,204,143,887 4,433,502,739 153,993,663 0 6,791,640,289
25. Financial Institutions 803,633,499 391,591,667 50,000 0 1,195,275,166
26. Other Customers 1,362,055,147 1,128,979,570 13,163,993 66,971,854 2,571,170,563
Total 21,997,266,086 27,028,078,791 628,560,634 1,641,812,481 51,295,717,992
Investment in Shares and Debentures         10,378,978,344
TOTAL CREDIT TO PRIVATE SECTOR         61,674,696,336
1 Includes Loans and Other Financing in Foreign Currencies.