15 September 2011, Bank of Mauritius
In terms of Section 39 of the Bank of Mauritius Act 2004, the Bank shall consider exchange and/or refund of mutilated/incomplete banknote from members of the public during banking hours, as advertised from time to time, under the following conditions:
A. For banknote of Rs 25.- denomination
A refund of full face value would be made if more than half of the banknote would be in one piece.(Fragments of the banknote will not be accepted)
B. For banknote from Rs50.- to Rs2,000.- denomination
(1) The banknote should be in a single piece.
(2) Half face value would be paid if the piece is more than 40% and less than 67% of a banknote.
(3) Full face value would be paid if the piece is more than 67% (more than 2/3) of a banknote.
Claim for exchange and/or refund of mutilated/incomplete banknote for an amount exceeding Rs 10,000.- should be accompanied by a Police statement and the National Identity Card of the applicant.