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Addendum No.2: Development of a Website and Bulletin Board for the National Fintech Committee (NFC)

28 February 2024

We refer to the RFP for “Development of a website and bulletin board for the National Fintech Community (NFC)”, launched on 14th February 2025.

The Bank is pleased to inform that due to the cyclonic weather conditions, the closing date for the above-mentioned tender has been extended from 27 February 2025 up to Monday 3 March 2025.

Potential bidders are also informed that tenders shall be sent electronically, by email, from the email address of the authorised signatory of the bidder to Therefore, Bidders shall not submit their tender in sealed envelopes.

The Proposal must be submitted in separate file attached to the email sent by the authorised signatory. The name of the electronic file must be “Request for Proposals for the Development of a Website and Bulletin Board for NFC”.

The electronic documents should be encrypted before being sent by email. The Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) tool will be used for encryption. For that purpose, a cryptographic public key will be made available to all bidders on the Bank’s website.

  1. Encryption procedures:
  1. Download PGPTool (or equivalent) from
  2. Download the public key from the Bank’s website at
  3. Click on Import to import the key and select the public key downloaded above.
  4. Click Encrypt File.
  5. Select the file and choose the public key and then proceed to encrypt file.

Failure to comply with the above submission formats may entail rejection of the bid.