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Bank of Mauritius Governor Harvesh Kumar Seegolam G.C.S.K. appointed Chairperson of the Financial Services Commission - Mauritius with immediate effect

3 July  2024

Bank of Mauritius Governor Harvesh Kumar Seegolam G.C.S.K. has been appointed with immediate effect, this Wednesday 3rd of July 2024, Chairperson of the Financial Services Commission – Mauritius by the Honourable Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, Prime Minister of the Republic of Mauritius, Minister of Defence, Home Affairs and External Communications, Minister for Rodrigues, Outer Islands and Territorial Integrity.

Governor Seegolam G.C.S.K., who is the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Mauritius will now equally chair the Financial Services Commission, Mauritius (the FSC), which is the integrated regulator for the non-bank financial services sector and global business.

Prior to assuming the functions of Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, Mr Seegolam G.C.S.K. was the Chief Executive of the FSC since July 2017. During his tenure of office at the FSC, Mr Seegolam G.C.S.K. spearheaded numerous national initiatives with respect to the development and regulation of financial services and the global business sector. He was instrumental in delivering on the national strategy with respect to the 10-year Blue Print for the financial services sector.

Since his appointment as Governor of the Bank of Mauritius, Mr Seegolam G.C.S.K. has focused on the strengthening and modernization of the Mauritian banking landscape. He has also played an instrumental role on the removal of Mauritius from the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) list. Governor Seegolam was the Head of the Mauritian delegation in discussions with the FATF and the Co-Chair of the AML/CFT Core Group established in that regard. Governor Seegolam G.C.S.K. is also the Chairperson of the Interagency Coordination Committee regrouping all competent authorities in the endeavour to defend and uphold the repute of the Mauritius jurisdiction and fight exposures to money laundering and financing of terrorism risks.