3 November 2014, Bank of Mauritius
The Bank of Mauritius (the Bank) wishes to inform members of the public that it is engaging in a “Clean Bank Note Programme”. The Bank has noted, with concern, an increasing number of instances where banknotes are being defaced, either by writing, printing, drawing or stamping on the bank note.
The Bank seeks the assistance of members of the public to make this Programme a success and invites them to value our bank notes and keep them clean by ensuring,
among others, that they do not write and put rubber stamp or any other mark on a bank note.
The Bank further wishes to draw the attention of members of the public to Section 40(2) of the Bank of Mauritius Act 2004 which makes it an offence to mutilate, cut, tear, perforate, or deface a bank note. Any offender may, upon conviction, be liable to a fine of up to 500,000 rupees.
Members of the public are invited to be mindful of the above and participate in the “Clean Bank Note Programme”.