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Communiqué: Invitation to Tender - Sale of Lifts

30 January 2012, Bank of Mauritius

1. Tenders are invited for the sale by the Bank of two Otis passenger lifts with a maximum working load of 630Kg each, on an “As is and where is” basis.

2. The two passenger lifts are located in the Bank’s building at Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis and may be inspected upon application to the Chief-Facilities of the Bank.

3. Tenders should be inclusive of all charges for dismantling and removal of the lifts. The lifts should be removed by the successful tenderer, within 15 days from the date of acceptance of the tender by the Bank and at his own cost.

4. Tenders should be accompanied by a banker’s cheque representing 5% of the tender value. The banker’s cheque will be realised and enforced immediately upon acceptance of the offer by the Bank and the amount thereof will be forfeited if the successful tenderer does not remove the lifts within the specified time. Cheques accompanying offers which have not been accepted by the Bank, will be returned to the unsuccessful tenderers.

5. Tenders in sealed envelopes, clearly marked “Tender-Lifts” on the left hand corner and addressed to

The Chairperson

Tender Committee

Bank of Mauritius


should be deposited in the Tender Box of the Bank, located in the Secretary’s Office of the Bank, by 12.00 hrs on 10 February 2012, at latest.

6. Tenders received after the closing date and time will not be considered.

7. The Bank does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender received and reserves the right to

i. accept or reject any tender;

ii. annul the tender process and reject all tenders at any time prior to the award of the contract

without incurring any liability to any tenderer or having any obligation to inform the tenderer of the grounds of its decision.