28 June 2019
The Bank of Mauritius (the Bank) had, on 14 November 2018, released a Guideline for the write-off of non-performing assets (Guideline) to be implemented by banks.
The relevant communiqué is accessible on the website of the Bank at the following link:
Effective date for non-bank deposit taking institutions
It was announced in the aforementioned communiqué that the Guideline would also be made applicable to non-bank deposit taking institutions (NBDTIs) with effect from 1 July 2019. Accordingly, the scope of application of the Guideline is being extended to NBDTIs. The same requirements apply to banks and NBDTIs.
Transitional Arrangements
NBDTIs will be given a timeframe of one year, as from 1 July 2019, to be in full compliance with the Guideline.
Issue of Guideline
The updated Guideline can be accessed on the website of the Bank at the following link: