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Request for Proposal: Provision of catering services at the Bank of Mauritius

13 Feburary 2025

  1. The Bank of Mauritius (Bank) invites sealed bids from eligible local service providers for the provision of catering services at the Bank of Mauritius situate at Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis.

  2. A Pre-bid meeting shall be held on 24 February 2025 at 11h00 for prospective bidders to take cognizance of the scope of work and view the premises. Prospective bidders are requested to confirm their attendance by emailing not later than 15h00 on 21 February 2025.

  3. A complete set of the bidding documents can be downloaded from the Bank’s website at .

  4. Bids should be in accordance with the Scope of Services and comply with the terms and conditions set out in the Request for Proposal (RFP).

  5. Bids should be valid for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from date of submission.

  6. The Bank may, during the evaluation period, request such additional information as it may require from tenderers.

  7. Bids received after the closing date and time or not conforming to the specifications shall not be considered.

  8. Queries, if any, should be addressed to the Chairperson - Tender Committee at the following email address: by 25 February 2025. Responses to queries shall be published on the Bank’s website by 28 February 2025.

  9. Bids in sealed envelopes, clearly marked “RFP – Provision of Catering Services at the Bank of Mauritius” on the left-hand corner and addressed to –

The Chairperson, Tender Committee

Bank of Mauritius

Sir William Newton Street

Port Louis, 11328

should be deposited in Tender Box B, located in the Banking Hall, Level 3 of the Bank of Mauritius, by 15h00 (local time) on 5 March 2025, at latest.

  1. The Bank reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the bidding exercise and reject all bids without thereby incurring any liability to any bidder or any obligation to inform bidders of the grounds of its action.